宏邦知識產權榮耀登陸CCTV《極致匠心》 圓知識產權強國夢
Hongbung Intellectual Property Agency topped in CCTV's “Ultimate Ingenuity” Realize the powerful intellectual property country dream
Hongbung's documentary "Dreamer" will officially premiere in the " Ultimate Ingenuity " column of "Central New Film Discovery Channel" (formerly known as CCTV Discovery Journey) on October 18, 2021, and will be exhibited on more than 30 media platforms such as iQIYI, Tencent Video and Youku Video on October 19.
CCTV's " Ultimate Ingenuity " column is a large-scale documentary and humanistic column that shows the ingenuity and innovation of all industries in China. Relying on the communication advantages of the official platform, it invites Chinese leaders with strength and enterprise ingenuity to share their original intention and achievements. The column group selected Hongbung Intellectual Property Agency with the mission of "Promoting the innovation and development of all small and medium-sized enterprises" as the introduction object after careful selection.
“Dreamer” was broadcast on CCTV
Hongbung has always adhered to the core values of enterprises such as "Patriotism, Kindness, Respect and Integrity" since its establishment in 2013, with intellectual property rights as the core, and around the ecological model of "Confirming rights", "Using rights" and "Safeguarding rights", provided full-cycle supporting services for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises from "Establishment to pre listing", including: intellectual property, achievement transformation, finance and taxation, audit and other medium and high-end consulting services. So far, Hongbung has more than 90000 successful cases.
Intellectual property protection is the premise of enterprise development, transformation and application is the core, and realization is the result. Many small, medium-sized and micro enterprises have some pain points in the development process, such as funds, taxes, talents, qualifications, lack of understanding of policy information, lack of customer access channels, non-standard management and so on.
Focusing on the whole life cycle of the enterprise, Hongbung has built a one-stop intellectual property ecological operation platform with its independently developed information business system to assist more enterprises safeguard their own interests, continuously improve their core competitiveness and deal with complex market competition.
This topped in CCTV's " Ultimate Ingenuity " column not only fully shows CCTV's recognition of Hongbung's brand image and professional service quality, but also affirms Hongbung as an ingenuity enterprise committed to promoting intellectual property protection and continuous breakthrough development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Shi Jianfeng, CEO of Hongbung, was interviewed by Zhu Xun, a famous host of CCTV
Shi Jianfeng, CEO of Hongbung, held talks with Ban Ki Moon, the 8th Secretary General of the United Nations
Hongbung Intellectual Property Agency topped on the NASDAQ screen of Times Square in New York
Scientific and technological innovation and intellectual property rights have become the effective focus of improving the quality and efficiency of enterprise economy. Hongbung will accelerate the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises to pay more attention to intellectual property protection, fiscal and tax compliance, technological achievements and business industrialization in the future.
Hongbung announced to the outside world by landing on CCTV this time that Hongbung will continue to strengthen its professionalism, lead the intellectual property industry, help the development and innovation of the intellectual property industry as always, and contribute its own strength to the construction of China's intellectual property power!
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